News - Page 39

With their tall, elegant spires of purple or white flowers, foxgloves bring shady borders to life in early summer. The foxglove is one of those wildflowers that has made itself at home in our gardens, and it’s easy to see why. Loved by pollinators, especially bumblebees, this low-maintenance beauty will self-seed gently around your garden, creating an aura of cottage garden charm.
Looking for some tips for taking your pet on holiday? Having your beloved pet with you on holiday can make your trip extra special. Whether you're going to a foreign country or rather staying close to home this year, always make sure your pet stays safe. Have the best time together by following a few simple tips.
It's not too late to plant vegetables and herbs in August, even though it is summer, and you may already have an abundance of crops. It is actually quite easy to grow at this time of year, as long as you know which plants will grow in the heat of the summer. The key to planting at this time of year is water, especially in particularly dry weather, and there are plenty of vegetables that you can grow to extend the growing season for as long as possible, meaning you get to enjoy homegrown crops for much longer. Here are some of our suggestions for what you can plant now.
Want to boost your creativity and feel good too? Research shows that simply being around plants can improve your creativity by over 40%. With working from home here to stay, we’ve come up with our five top plants to enhance your home office.
Think about creating a dry garden to help save on water, effort, and still have a beautiful space, great for pollinators. It has become much more popular due to the current changing climate. This style of gardening helps to reduce the need for irrigation and can be useful for areas that do not have a good water supply, but where to start? This guide will help you on your way.
It is really easy to start growing dazzling Dahlias. They’ve seen a huge comeback over recent years, with many more people growing all kinds of varieties in the garden and on the allotment. The many types and colours mean there really is a Dahlia for everyone, and you can pick from various shapes, colours, and sizes. Not to forget, they are one of the most popular flowers on social media.
August means holidays and lazy days soaking up the sunshine. Now’s the time to relax in the garden and enjoy the results of all your hard work. And to keep your garden looking great all summer, read our top gardening tips for August.
If you’re looking for hard-to-kill houseplants, a cactus is just what you need. This huge group of plants comes in all shapes and sizes, from tiny furry specimens to prickly giants, so there’s one to suit every taste. And they’re very easy to grow - just follow our simple guide.
Get on top of deadheading flowers to ensure your plants continue blooming for as long as possible. Make flowers bloom throughout the summer and even into autumn. Many gardeners find this job can be a little tedious, but we love it because it means that you are helping the plant put its energy into producing more flowers and stopping setting seed. So grab your secateurs and keep those plants flowering for as long as possible.
Do you wonder how to make a plant terrarium, after seeing them pop up all over the place recently? They have not only become very trendy but are a lovely way to grow plants in small spaces. If you own a business, they can be a good way to bring some plant life to the room with little care as well. Buying them already made up is an option, but why not make one yourself? That way, you get to understand the plants and can even personalize it as well.
We want our pets to enjoy summer as much as we do, but when the heat is really on, they can struggle to stay cool. Here are a few tips to keep your pet feeling comfortable and happy this summer.
Give bees a boost! We need our bees, and they need us too. Their industrious ways give us food for our tables and honey for our toasts, so it’s only fair that we give them a helping hand whenever we can. Here are a few things you can do to make your garden more bee-friendly.