Get on top of deadheading flowers to ensure your plants continue blooming for as long as possible. Make flowers bloom throughout the summer and even into autumn. Many gardeners find this job can be a little tedious, but we love it because it means that you are helping the plant put its energy into producing more flowers and stopping setting seed. So grab your secateurs and keep those plants flowering for as long as possible.
Deadheading Flowers for Plant Health and Appearance
As flowers begin to fade away, they can become a little unsightly, so snipping off those old flower heads can make the plant look more vibrant and encourage new flowers to form. Make sure you don't accidentally snip off any flower buds as they will be your next blooms. Some old flower heads can get brown, and pests and diseases may take hold, so for the longevity of your plants and their overall health, it can be useful to deadhead.
Wellbeing Aspects of Deadheading Flowers
Many aspects of gardening can be linked to human physical and mental wellbeing. So many processes can help our minds, bodies, and souls. With deadheading, it can allow you the chance to see that it's OK to get rid of the old and make way for the new, it is linked to change and nurture and looking after yourself so you can bloom again. Take the time when you are deadheading to think about that process and how it can help you in your own life.
Deadheading Flowers is Easy
It is really easy to deadhead your flowers, all you need to do is snip off the flower stem under the flower, but not as far down as the first set of healthy leaves. The best way is to do little and often so you can keep on top of it throughout the year. If you leave it all until autumn, there will be a lot to do! If you start as you mean to go on from springtime, you will be helping to keep your plants blooming and healthy for as long as possible.
If You Are New to Gardening and Deadheading Flowers
It can seem really odd to snip away at plants sometimes, especially if you are new to gardening, but it is essential to keep your plants in good shape, plus it helps you get up close and learn more about your new garden plants. Many plants will need deadheading, from annuals to perennials, including Roses, Peonies, Camellia, Hebe’s, Lavatera, Buddleija, Dahlias, and Zinnias, to name a few. Enjoy the process and learning about your new plants as they will repay you and your garden wildlife with lots of fresh flowers.
For deadheading tools and, of course, plants, visit us in store.